Dirtiest Revenge Read online

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  Kendra was cleaning out her locker when White Chocolate came and told Kendra that Bigg Boss had requested for her to dance. Kendra turned to her and said, “Nah, White. I’m finished here for good. I just came to get my things.”

  Before Kendra could get another word out, another striper by the name Candy interrupted their conversation and said, “Oh, nah, Miss Spice thinks she’s too good to dance just cuz she’s fucking Bigg Boss. She thinks she can come and go as she pleases. Bitch, please! I have news for you. You ain’t all that!”

  Candy walked up on Kendra. It was known that these two didn’t get along. Candy was jealous of Kendra because she was top ranked in the club and because Big Boss let her have her way. Truth be told, Kendra was a young commodity, while Candy was low key.

  “I don’t give a fuck what the next bitch thinks of me,” Kendra stated. “I have dreams and goals to accomplish outside this club.”

  “Bitch, please,” Candy spat.

  “Check, Candy. I’m not going to be anymore of your bitches.”

  White Chocolate could sense the tension. She stepped in between them, but Kendra pushed White out the way to let Candy know that it was whatever she wanted to do. When Candy put her fingers in Kendra’s face, all hell broke loose. Kendra struck first, connecting with Candy’s jaw. As Candy was holding her face, Kendra wasted no time, landing punch after punch, but Candy had a good grip on Kendra’s ponytail, and she wasn’t letting go. Kendra bit down on Candy’s arm, but Candy didn’t release her grip. They went blow for blow. While trying to break up the madness, White Chocolate screamed for help. As she screamed, she was knocked to the ground. Upon hearing White’s screams, Tank and Bigg Boss burst through the door.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Bigg Boss yelled with fury in his eyes when he saw how White Chocolate was laid out. Kendra and Candy were still going toe to toe.

  “Oh, shit! We missed the royal rumble,” Tank laughed.

  “Somebody better start talking right fucking now!” Bigg Boss yelled, standing in between the two of them. “Speak the fuck up!”

  It didn’t take a genius to tell that Boss was mad.

  “Fuck that shit,” Candy spat. “Your hoe needs a fucking reality check.”

  Kendra cracked Candy on the nose at that comment. Blood gushed out immediately.

  “I told you I’m not going to be anymore of your hoes or bitches!”

  Kendra was on one to the fullest. She was on fire.

  “Yo, Spice! I can’t have you fucking up my organization. Instead of being back here, your ass needs to be on stage, making some money. That goes for all y’all. I can’t take this shit now. Spice, Imma have to suspend you for two weeks.”

  While Bigg Boss was talking, Candy was smirking and still talking shit. Kendra laughed and said, “You can keep your funky-ass suspension. I’m done here. I don’t need you.”

  Kendra grabbed her belongings and walked out. She looked a hot mess, but she still strolled with pride. After she got inside her car, she called her sister. Nia answered without saying hello and went straight to balling her younger sister out.

  “Kendra, where the fuck have you been? I called your phone over a hundred times, so what’s up? Talk to me! Shit!”

  “Look, Nia. I’m not in the mood for your shit, okay?”

  “Fuck you mean ‘you’re not in the mood’?” Nia cursed.

  Kendra was irritated, so she said, “If you’re gonna talk shit, then I’mma hang the fuck up. Now, I called you for a reason. I’ll tell you where I was at when I’m ready to.”

  Nia got quiet and let her sister continue. Kendra said, “Listen. I just fought that bitch Candy in the club when I went to get my things.”

  Nia said, “Wait a minute! When did this happen? So, you were out last night? With who?”

  Kendra smacked her lips and said, “Damn, Nia! Let me finish. Anyways, I was chopping it up with White Chocolate when Candy came in talking shit, so we squared off. I beat that bitch’s ass. Then, White screamed for help. To make a long story short, Bigg Boss had the audacity to suspend me.”

  “What about Candy’s ghetto ass?”

  “Who gives a fuck! I cursed Boss’s ass out and walked out,” Kendra answered.

  “Damn,” Nia exclaimed!

  “And Boss ain’t said shit.”

  “And you still fucking this nigga? Nah! Look. I’ll be there in a few.”

  Kendra disconnected the call; she didn’t want to relive the moment when she was first hired at the club. At the tender age of nineteen, Kendra applied at Starlight as a waitress, but, she changed her mind when she saw how men were spending damn near their entire life’s savings on the dancers as they popped and shook their asses. Kendra was led by Tank to a big office in the back. That was where she was introduced to Bigg Boss.

  “So, you want to be a waitress?” Bigg Boss asked. He never turned around to see who was standing behind him. Nervously, Kendra nodded her head and answered, “Yes.”

  “Well, have you ever waitressed before?” Bigg Boss asked.

  “Yes,” Kendra answered.

  “Good. The job pays minimum wage, which is six fifty an hour plus tips.”

  Upon hearing this information, Kendra asked if there were any openings for dancers. After she asked that, Bigg Boss turned and took a look at Kendra. Then, he said, “You want to dance? You sure you have what it takes?”

  Kendra laughed. Then, she answered, “How hard could it be?”

  She was now pumped with adrenaline. Bigg Boss commanded, “Stand up, so I can see what you’re working with.”

  Kendra stood up and slowly turned around. She wasn’t shy at all. Bigg Boss turned up the volume on his stereo. H-Town’s “Knocking da Boots” blared through the speakers. Kendra started to grind to the beat, unbuttoning her shirt with one swift motion. She turned around seductively and made her ass clap. There was something about Kendra and the way that she moved that made Bigg Boss do the unthinkable. He grabbed Kendra by her waist and slid her thong aside with his tongue. Kendra jumped as Bigg Boss’s tongue entered her ass, but the feeling made Kendra experience a new high. Kendra rotated her hips slowly to the rhythm as Bigg Boss ate away at Kendra’s ass like it was his last meal on earth. Kendra squirmed and panted as she came. Bigg Boss unzipped his pants, pulled out a Magnum from his desk, and slid the condom on. He, then, guided Kendra onto his lap.

  “Shit, gurl! This pussy is the bomb,’’ Bigg Boss said as Kendra squeezed her pussy muscles tighter, making him cum almost instantly.

  Kendra became pissed as she thought, His tongue action was better than his dick game. Right then and there, she decided, if he wanted to hit it again, he’d have to pay to play. So, from her very first day, not only was she tipped well, but Bigg Boss was also her automatic teller machine.

  “Damn, baby gurl, you know how to work that shit. Your pussy has flavor. I have the perfect stage name. Spice! So, when can you start?” Big Boss asked as he buckled his pants.

  “I can start tomorrow night,” Kendra answered.

  Kendra laughed as she reminisced. As she sped through the city’s highway, she became hungrier. She hopped on the 110 Freeway to Manchester. Kendra was happy to see that Roscoe’s House of Chicken and Waffles wasn’t crowded. She found a parking space, greeted the host, grabbed a menu, and placed an order for Nia and herself.

  “I’ll have a number one, all wings, and a number two all dark and two eclipses.”

  After her order was complete, she paid for her food and left a generous tip. Kendra drove down Manchester to her sister’s house. After exiting her vehicle with the two plates, she knocked on the door.

  “Dayum, Ken! What happened to your face?” Nia exclaimed as she opened the door.

  Kendra rolled her eyes and yelled, “Shut up, Nia! You’re always exaggerating!”

  “No, ma. You haven’t looked in the mirror, have you?”

  Kendra pushed her sister out the way and ran to the bathroom to look at her face. Once she looked in the mirror, she sa
w it was just as she had thought. Nia had put extras on it to make it sound like her face had been split open. Besides a few scratches above her eye and on her cheek, she was still fine. She searched the contents of her sister’s medicine cabinet and found some Neosporin. She washed her face and applied the cream. Afterwards, she left the bathroom and walked to the living room. In the living room, she found Nia on the couch, laughing. Kendra threw a pillow at her sister.

  Still laughing, Nia said, “You always fall for the okie-doke. You’re still fine, Spice!”

  Kendra sat on her favorite chair in the house. Once she was seated, Nia said, “So, you wanna tell me where you were last night?”

  “Shit! I knew you weren’t going to let up,” Kendra exclaimed, sucking her teeth.

  “Damn skippy! Might as well spit that shit out,” Nia said with a serious look.

  Nervously, Kendra dug her feet in the rug and brushed her hair away from her face.

  “Well, I was dancing, you know, the regular shit. It was a long, slow night,” Kendra began.

  Nia hissed, “Bitch, get to the point! I could care less about how slow it was.”

  “Bitch, do you want me to tell the story?” Kendra asked, rolling her eyes. “It was 9:45 when Tank came to me and said I had a special request in the boom boom room, and that’s when I met Trent.” A smile spread across Kendra’s face. Then, she continued, “To make a long story short, we connected, and I spent the night with him.”

  Nia looked at her sister like she was crazy and said, “So, you’re fucking niggas who are paying for it now?”

  “No! Trent was the perfect gentleman,” Kendra said, staring off into space while giving the food to Nia.

  Kendra went to the kitchen to grab some hot sauce and two wine coolers out the fridge. While she was doing this, her cell phone rang. She rushed to pick it up, and almost dropped everything in her hands.


  “Hey, shawty.”

  Kendra smiled at the sound of Trent’s voice.

  “What’s good with you?” Trent asked.

  “Nothing much. At my sister’s house,” Kendra replied.

  “I assume you finished handling your business?” Trent questioned.

  “Yeah. I did,” Kendra answered.

  “Well, look, ma. I just finished up with some work. Why don’t you meet me downtown by the Staples Center in about an hour, okay?”

  Kendra sighed, “Okay.”

  “What’s wrong, lil mama?” Trent asked.

  “A lot. I’ll let you know about it when I see you,” Kendra answered.

  “A’ight, mama. See you soon.”

  Kendra went back into the bathroom and made sure her face was presentable. She took another shower and opted to wear some cargo shorts and an Old Navy shirt. She brushed her hair back into a ponytail and applied some lip gloss. Once she was satisfied with herself, she told Nia that she was on her way to meet up with Trent. As she exited her sister’s house, Kendra called Trent to let him know that she was on her way.

  “Aye, lil mama. When you get down this way, park your car on Twelfth and Fig, and I’ll come down.”

  Kendra made her way through the LA traffic, bumping R. Kelly’s The R in R&B: The Greatest Hits Collection Volume 1 CD. The summer night was calm and breezy. Once she arrived at her destination, she called Trent and let him know that she had arrived. Then, she sat in her car and waited for Trent to come out and meet her. She looked around and wondered where he could possibly be coming from. She was surrounded by businesses that had already closed for the day. While she was wondering from where and when he would arrive, Trent knocked on the window, startling her. He opened her door. Kendra playfully punched him on the arm and teased, “This is the second time you’ve scared me today. Stop doing that.”

  “C’mon, lil mama. Lock up the car, and let’s go,” Trent advised.

  “Go where? I’m not leaving my car here, so the smokers can break in my ride!” Kendra said.

  Trent reached over and unbuckled her seatbelt. Then, he took the keys out of the ignition. He put his finger to his lips, gesturing for her to be quiet.

  “I got you, shawty,” he said.

  He grabbed Kendra by the hand and led the way. They walked a few blocks to a bar.

  “I’m not dressed to go into a bar,” Kendra said.

  “Relax, ma. You’re not here to meet any dudes. You’re my chick, and I think you look fine,” Trent answered.

  Kendra held her head down. She didn’t want Trent to see her face. He noticed how she was holding her head, so he lifted her head up and asked, “What happened to your face, beautiful? You had a catfight or sumptin’?’’

  He laughed once he saw the look in her eyes. He knew Kendra was serious.

  “What’s really going on?” he asked.

  Kendra gave him the short version of what happened. Then, Trent said, “Well, don’t trip, lil mama. As of today, you’re my girl, and I’ll protect you.”

  They entered the bar, sat down, and ordered a few drinks. Ever since that day, they had been the happiest couple.

  Chapter II

  Trent’s phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Nicole. He pressed the END button to send her to voicemail, but she kept calling. He didn’t want to disturb Kendra, so he went back upstairs and called Nicole back. Before she could speak, he angrily asked, “Why are you calling me at this time of night, Nicole?”

  She sucked her teeth and answered, “I left my purse in your truck, and I need it.”

  “I’ll drop it off to you in the morning, okay?” Trent said, trying to control his temper.

  “No! Your sister will be here, and I ain’t trying to get caught up,” Nicole answered quickly.

  “Fuck! I’ll be there,” Trent said.

  “Thank you, daddy,” Nicole giggled.

  Trent threw on his sweats and his Jordans. As he headed for the door, Kendra groggily

  asked, “Trent baby, where you going? It’s almost one in the morning.”

  “Just lay back down, lil mama. I have to go make a drop real quick,” Trent informed Kendra.

  “I know like hell you didn’t bring that shit up in here, Trent. You know I don’t play that drug shit in my house.”

  “Fall back, ma. We good. I left it in the truck ‘cuz I know how my baby trips, so I’ll be back, love.”

  Trent kissed Kendra and walked out the door. Once inside his truck, he looked around to see if he could find Nicole’s purse. After not finding anything, he drove the five and a half miles to Nicole’s crib. Trent called Nicole to come outside when he got there.

  “So, I’m not woman enough for you to come inside?” Nicole asked.

  “Look, Nicole. I don’t have time to play your fucking games. Now, come get your damn purse, so I can take my ass back home,” Trent said. He was pissed.

  “Damn, Trent. Just come here. I have my purse,” Nicole confessed.

  “Yo, if I get out the car, Imma slap yo dumb ass for making me get out of my comfortable bed for some bullshit.”

  Trent hung the phone up and drove off. Nicole was starting to get on his nerves because she was becoming to needy. Fuck, Trent thought. He hated to play games, but he did recognize how clever she was for getting him out the bed. He made a mental note to come back later, so he could get some of that young. Trent hated to think that he was falling for Nicole, but he really was. He loved Kendra with all his heart; she was his wifey, and she was everything Nicole wasn’t. Kendra was smart. She was about to graduate from Cal State LA, and she worked for a children’s social services agency. She had beauty and brains. She was a woman who could go out and get her own. Although Kendra used to dance, she was handling business and putting herself through college. Trent knew what he wanted, and that was why he had made Kendra his wifey. On the other hand, Nicole was a young, feisty ghetto chick who had to have attention wherever she went, and that made Trent like her more. At first, Trent had thought of Nicole as someone that he could fuck and get his dick
sucked by every now and again because she was always at his spot. Also, she was very eager to learn the game. Nicole knew how to hustle. She loved to grind with Trent from sun up to sun down. She was down for whatever.

  When Trent got to the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and Crenshaw Boulevard, he made a u-turn and headed back to Nicole’s. In less than five minutes, he pulled back up to her apartments and headed right to the door. He walked right on in. Nicole’s mom was entertaining some company. They were playing a game of dominoes and talking shit. Nicole’s mom was yelling at one of her guests, “Stop cheating, nigga! Give me my muthafuckin’ ten points! Look! I still domino on yo ass!”

  Trent kept on walking. He found Nicole in the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of soda.

  “So, look who decided to show back up,” Nicole said as a smile formed on her face.

  “Look, Nicole. I know you want some of daddy’s dick. That’s why you called me in the first place,” Trent teased.

  “And you know you’re feigning for this bomb-ass pussy. That’s why you came back,” Nicole teased in return.

  “C’mon, baby girl. Come show daddy you want this dick.”

  Nicole grabbed Trent’s hand and led him to her room. As they walked by the domino game, her mom looked up and said, “Trent, before you go on back there. Let me get a dime piece.”

  “C’mon, Ms. Johnson. You know you’re like a second mom to me. I can’t serve you.” Ms. Johnson was already on one.

  “So, what you need to see Nicole in the back for?” she asked, already knowing the answer to her own question.

  “I just need to holler at her real quick,” Trent answered, anxiously trying to avoid this uncomfortable interrogation by Ms. Johnson.

  “Well, can’t you holler at her out here?” Ms Johnson asked. Trent really didn’t want to go back and forth with Ms. Johnson, so he gave in.